School Open House

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Last night was the school open house. Normally this is a Mom job in our family. Both Anthony and I are very involved with the education of our children but I tend to be the one to take on the communication between parent and teacher. This year however, that became tricky as open house was on a Wednesday evening which is a night when both Anthony and I need to be at church by 7 pm. So we had to divide and conquer.

Anthony choose to go to Ethan’s open house presentation and I went to the girls. When Anthony and I met up afterwards he proudly handed me this star that had been on Ethan’s desk. I love the last sentence, “I am special to my Dad.” I love that he was the one to be there to first see this. Ethan is special to his Dad, and I have a hunch that his Dad is special to him too.

In Natalie’s open house presentation there were quizzes on the desk for us to take about our children. The kids had taken one too and then we were to compare our answers to theirs. One question was what was Natalie’s favorite movie. I left it blank for a long while and then finally just put a “?” in the space. When I opened up her answers she had a “?” mark there too. I guess I do know my child!

And just so I don’t leave her out there was one thing I thought was significant at Bella’s. When I walked in her teacher said to me, “You know I only meet parents for a brief moment at meet the teacher and I don’t know the kids yet so its easy to forget who is who. Open house is where I finally connect parents and children. But, I knew who you were right when you walked in because you look just like Bella.” I think that is the first time anyone has ever told me that. She made my day!

Who’s Number 1?

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At some point during our summer trip Anthony and I decided it was time Ethan get to play a sport. We always planned on it, it was just a matter of when.

When we asked Ethan if he’d be interested in playing soccer he said,

“My dream is coming true!”

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Things only got better when a friend let us have some old cleats that happened to be green, which is Ethan’s favorite color. He was beyond thrilled.

The night of his first practice he was so hyped up to play, be on a team, and have a coach.

He came home from his first practice to tell me that HE had come up with the name for the team. TEAM TIGERS.

Again he said, “My dream is coming true!”

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At the second practice he received his team jersey.

When he got home he told me he got the number he had wanted most, number 1.

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Last Saturday was his first game. The first position he played was goalie, just like he wanted.

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(He saved the goal here. We were proud!)

They won their first game, if you took score which no one officially does.

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And after the game he said it again,

“My dream is coming true!”

I wish it would always be so easy to make his dreams come true. I also want him to make some dreams that are harder to achieve because there is so much to be learned from the struggle. For now, however, I hope he enjoys the little dreams along the way.

Look Out 1st Grade

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Ethan is 6. Ethan is now a 1st grader. This kid is amazing, crazy, wild, stubborn and sweet all wrapped into one. 

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10 Facts about Ethan the 1st Grader:

1. Ethan’s favorite subject(s): Science, Art, and P.E. 

2. He also loves music…(he kind of really just loves it all but he says, “I don’t like Math that much because it takes forever to finish.”)

3. His teacher’s name is Mrs. Lozzi. 

4. His classroom is decorated in Frogs.

5. Ethan is starting soccer this year. (This will require its own post.)

6. Ethan is fully able to read now but, he isn’t as into it as his sisters were.

7. Ethan loves to get non-fiction books about animals, vehicles and space. 

8. Ethan wants to be a “worker in a lab” when he grows up.

9. He has terrible hand writing. This is the way I see it – Left handed + boy who can’t sit still = Bad hand writing.

10. Ethan’s favorite TV show: Lab Rats and Merlin

Ethan lives life to the absolute fullest. I wish I had his energy.

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I thought I would share a few things about Ethan. He’s almost 2 1/2 and changing so much, and even though he is a wild and crazy little boy (and a very difficult one at that) I don’t want to forget any of it.

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E – energy. He almost never runs out of it. Never.

T – tag along. And I don’t mean this is a negative way. I mean this in a excited way. Ethan LOVES to be with is sisters. He wants to be with them all the time. He doesn’t play Barbie’s with them or anything, but if they are playing he wants to be right there with them.

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H – happy. He really is a happy kid. (But if he doesn’t like something he will most definitely let you know.) Lately he’s really found his sense of humor, of course its totally boy humor. Burp around him and he gets the giggles, when he makes a stinky diaper – well, he finds that very funny. Seriously.

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A – awesome. Having a son is seriously awesome. And I really do look at him at least once a day and am amazed at how lucky I am to have him. In my opinion he is the cutest, smartest, funniest, and possibly craziest kid there is.

N – naughty. This makes me giggle. I don’t really think he’s naughty. Challenging? Yes. Naughty…no. He’s just 2. But thankfully lately there have been little things that are signaling to me that he is slowing down and catching on to consequences. (Thank you!)

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And one more thing I have to share. It is definitely a thing I don’t want to forget, although Natalie would love to forget I am sure. Ethan is talking more and more each day and about a month ago he learned the word “brother.” His sisters (especially Natalie) call him “brother” instead of his name sometimes and for some reason he’s attached “brother” to his sister Natalie. He calls her “brother!” It drives her CRAZY. When she gets out of the car in the morning he screams, “My brother!” And when she gets home from school he says, “Hey brother.” Even when we show him a picture of the family and you ask him the names of everyone in the picture he names everyone right until he gets to Natalie. When we point to Natalie and say “Who’s that?” he’ll quickly say… “My brother!” What a funny kid.