9 Years Ago Today – Part 3

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September 25, 2005 – 9 years ago today. 12:45 am – I woke up to a very weird sensation. I realized I was wetting the bed. And I rolled over and went back to sleep.


I know. Weird. Gross.

Hey, when you are that pregnant you are tired.

I came to a few minutes later and I was still wetting the bed. This time I sat up. Anthony was apparently not asleep enough to ignore me and asked, “What’s wrong?” To which I reply very confused. “I’m wetting the bed.”

“Are you sure?” He said skeptically, “Is your water breaking?”

“No. I’m wetting the bed…and I can’t stop?”

I know this sounds weird, and it was. It was a strange moment for me. With Bella doctors had broken my water and this time around I had a planned c-section. This was not supposed to be happening, it wasn’t on my radar so I was sure it wasn’t what was going on.

Finally Anthony convinced me that my water was broken, or breaking. Phone calls were made. We hadn’t even gone to the hospital yet for a tour, that was going to be after our next appointment. We actually had to get directions to the hospital from my parents when we dropped Bella off because we’d only lived there a few months and never had reason to go.

On the way to the hospital I remember saying, “This is going to be a tiny baby. I am 4 weeks early.” Based on the size of my belly I am not sure why I thought this, but it seemed right knowing that my first was 8lbs 9oz at 39 weeks that this one at 36 would be around 6lbs.

When we arrived the nurse was readying me and asking me questions that would determine how quickly we went to c-section. One question. Did you eat dinner? Ummm…yes I did. How heavy was it? Ummm…lasagna, salad, bread and dessert (maybe 2). What time was that? Around 7pm. “Well then we need to delay surgery for a good long while if we can.”

7 hours. I labored 7 hours and they wouldn’t allow me pain medicine because it needed to be fresh for surgery. At one point the nurse came in and said, you’re not going to make it to your surgery time we need to call the doctor. Then she returned and said “We’re just going to give you this medicine to stop your contractions so you can wait because of your dinner.” I was not happy, and the medicine made me feel horrible.

Finally it was time. Being the weekend the doctor who performed the surgery wasn’t my doctor so she shook my hand to introduce herself just minutes before she sliced me open. Then when she did and Natalie was born the first thing the doctor said was, “Are you sure of her due date? She’s a big baby!”

8lbs 1oz born at 36 weeks. Yes, I was certain of my due date and she had a few premie problems to prove it. Born on a night of record breaking early deliveries because of hurricane Rita’s storm system having made its all the way to Oklahoma dropping the barometric pressure dramatically. One nurse suggested we name her Rita. But no, she was my Natalie Celeste. Based on her arrival we joked she was impatient and spunky, a child who would do things on her own terms.

How right we were.

Happy birthday my Natalie Celeste, you are one in a million and I am so glad you are mine.

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9 Years Ago Today – Part 2

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September 24, 2005 – 9 years ago today was a lazy Saturday. Hurricane Rita had hit land in Texas. (This is an important factor of the day even though we lived in Oklahoma.) That evening I went with my mom to a church broadcast for women. I ate a dinner of lasagna, salad, rolls and dessert. Food is important for a 9 month pregnant woman and this meal would make an impact on the day to come. That evening during the broadcast my mom and I giggled as we watched my stomach move in all sorts of ways. A foot here, an arm there, high and low – it was entertaining to say the least.

I went home and gave Anthony a really bad hair cut. I may have even cut his ear.

We had no idea what would arrive before morning.

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9 Years Ago Today

9 years ago today it was September 23, 2005. Bella was 21 months old, Anthony was in his first month of law school, and I was very pregnant with Natalie. I had about 4 weeks to go. That evening we left Bella with Grandma and Grandpa and attended a church activity at the bowling alley. I bowled. Many people commented that I would put myself into labor but, I just laughed it off and had a good time. I did not go into labor that day.

9 years ago today I had never held my 2nd child.

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9 years ago today I didn’t know what spunk was coming in such a tiny package.

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9 years ago today I had never touched her soft skin or heard her sweet coo’s.

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9 years ago today I had no idea that in two days she would be here.

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Now 9 years later I know her laugh, I know her cry.

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9 years later I know what an amazing little person Anthony and I were blessed with.

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9 years later I know that there is so much more for us to experience with her.

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9 years later I love her, I always have, and I always will.

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My apologies for the number of photos that will be shared in the coming days. This is a photogenic and fun to photo child. I told her that we’d go out for just a few minutes for a few days so she could wear multiple outfits. Day 1 I got 13 photos that I marked for sharing, that is what you see today. I’m going to try to post a group from each photo day over the next few days. The stories will be about the days leading up to her birth, the pictures will be recent.

School Open House

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Last night was the school open house. Normally this is a Mom job in our family. Both Anthony and I are very involved with the education of our children but I tend to be the one to take on the communication between parent and teacher. This year however, that became tricky as open house was on a Wednesday evening which is a night when both Anthony and I need to be at church by 7 pm. So we had to divide and conquer.

Anthony choose to go to Ethan’s open house presentation and I went to the girls. When Anthony and I met up afterwards he proudly handed me this star that had been on Ethan’s desk. I love the last sentence, “I am special to my Dad.” I love that he was the one to be there to first see this. Ethan is special to his Dad, and I have a hunch that his Dad is special to him too.

In Natalie’s open house presentation there were quizzes on the desk for us to take about our children. The kids had taken one too and then we were to compare our answers to theirs. One question was what was Natalie’s favorite movie. I left it blank for a long while and then finally just put a “?” in the space. When I opened up her answers she had a “?” mark there too. I guess I do know my child!

And just so I don’t leave her out there was one thing I thought was significant at Bella’s. When I walked in her teacher said to me, “You know I only meet parents for a brief moment at meet the teacher and I don’t know the kids yet so its easy to forget who is who. Open house is where I finally connect parents and children. But, I knew who you were right when you walked in because you look just like Bella.” I think that is the first time anyone has ever told me that. She made my day!

Middle Comes First

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I decided to start in the middle because, why not? Middle children rarely get to go first.

Before I go any further let me comment on the picture above and tell you something about Natalie. Natalie is a perfectionist in almost everything she does. This produces some anxiety in her and at times make its difficult for me to relate to her. But look at the picture above, see the one strand of hair that hangs across her face? I love that my perfectionist child almost always has one strand of hair hanging completely out of place.

10 Facts about Natalie the 3rd grader:

1. She has now moved upstairs at school. This is a big deal to her.

2. Her teacher’s name is Scapicchio….think Pinocchio when you say it.

3. Her favorite subject: SCIENCE

4. She is still playing piano.

5. She is joining the Recorder Ensemble at school.

6. She loves STEM activities.

7. She is having a bit of a time adjusting to the expectations of 3rd grade. Homework should not take that long…but I know she will adjust.

8. She loves school.

9. She is a “friend magnet”. People naturally love her.

10. Her current favorite TV show: Studio C from BYU Channel and Merlin

What I love about Natalie now is that she is still my little girl and is still very happy to be that. She is the child that snuggles up to me when she needs to feel loved but also snuggles up to me when she can tell I need to feel loved. She is very observant to the needs of those around her and that includes both her dad and me. Natalie is a smart girl, she thinks very thoroughly through everything and doesn’t make a decision until she is good and ready. She is constantly teaching me as I observe her. I love this girl!

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Little Red

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Today’s “everyday” came from Natalie trying on her Halloween costume. I tried my best to convince her NOT to wear this costume (I wanted to do a theme with all the kids) but she was adamant about it. I do love this costume, and I love that she wanted to wear it because her sister did. After all, its her turn, and all must be fair.