The Jaguars

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This Thursday will be the end of the spring season of soccer, Bella’s second season. She played for the same coach, with many of the same players but they changed their name to the Jaguars. I am not certain she’ll play another season, but I think she enjoyed her time playing as well as learned some important lessons in both team work and hard work. And maybe she will surprise us and ask to play a third season.

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Here are a few shots of her playing hard.

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  This last one makes us laugh. Notice her tongue in her cheek. I have many shots from her games like this.

I guess that is what she does when she is really working hard. 🙂

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Mother’s Day 2012

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I have written and deleted many Mother’s Day posts over the week.

And now that Mother’s Day is actually here all I can say is – I am one lucky momma.

These 3 are the best, and I am more than blessed to call them mine.

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My Ethan

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This is my Ethan. Ethan is now 3 years and 10 months. Ethan is fun. Ethan is tiring. Ethan is silly. Ethan is wild. Ethan is loud. Ethan is determined. Ethan is smart. Ethan is musical. Ethan is stubborn. Ethan is cuddly. Ethan is happy. Ethan is my baby boy.

Anthony pointed out to me that the next few weeks are my last with just Ethan by my side all day. The girls will be done with school for the summer and next year when school starts again he’ll be going right along side them. Shoot – how did the time pass so quickly? I swear it can’t be happening yet. As much as he wears me out and frustrates me there is so much more good than bad.

I am going to miss my little buddy next year. But until then I have 4 more weeks to make the most of and get all my snuggles and alone time in with my little boy while he’s still little.

Natalie’s Big Night

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Natalie began taking piano this past August.  We recognized that she had some musical abilities and decided to see how she would like it. Much to our delight she loves it. And I mean LOVES it. Her teacher asked them to practice every day for 100 days, I wasn’t sure how she would do with that challenge, but she took the challenge and not only did she complete it but she made a goal to practice every single day of 2012.

And, best of all, her practice is paying off. I haven’t been able to get the video to upload to my computer, but she did so well at her recital. Hardly a mistake at all and didn’t seem to be one bit nervous. She played “Do Re Mi” from sound of music, “It’s a Small World” and “The Copy Song.”

If you haven’t heard of “The Copy Song” it’s because Natalie wrote it herself! It is so cute.  We weren’t sure how she’d do with writing her own song, but her teacher asked her to. So, one night while I was gone Anthony told her to go work on it and when she came back she had the cutest little song that made sense and sounded good! She called it “The Copy Song” because the right hand would play something and the left hand would then copy it. I will save that piece of music forever.

She had so much fun at the recital and so her love piano only increased. I hope she sticks with it because she really does have musical talent to go with it. We are so proud of her!

A Cure

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Last week I had a particularly grouchy day. Don’t really know why, but I do know I was more than impatient with my kids. So, at the end of the day I decided to do something productive and we cleaned our back porch. It needed it. And being productive helps me feel better about grouchy days. This time, however, it wasn’t working. The kids were complaining about the work, and I was getting impatient with their complaints. Then, as I was spraying off the porch I accidentally sprayed the girls, and the giggling started. Next Ethan was standing next to them begging for me to do it again. So I gave in, and sprayed him on “accident” too.

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This quickly evolved into 30 minutes of giggling, screaming and 3 wet kids who were suddenly happy as can be and who had completely forgotten about their grouchy mommy. Thank goodness for water hoses and kids who easily forgive. (And watching them helped cure Mommy’s grouchiness too!)

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Why I am Running

I have a goal.

In 2012 I will: Run a Marathon.


I began running about 5 1/2 years ago while Anthony was in law school. I needed something to relieve the stresses of life so I began working out, and it all started with the Couch to 5k program. When I started it was hard, but in no time I could run a 5k on the treadmill. Then I translated it to outdoor running and I ran in my first 5k that July. That September I also competed in a Sprint Triathlon. It was so much fun, it was so gratifying, I wanted to do more. But then, well, I found out I was pregnant and ideas of more had to wait.

Since then I’ve been an off again on again runner. Never really finding my grove again. I did do a half marathon in 2011, but no other races. When I began running the idea of a marathon sounded nuts. Why on earth would anyone want to do that? I didn’t know. But about 2 years ago I watched an episode of Biggest Loser where they ran a marathon, and the bug hit me. If they could do that, I could too. And if I could do that, well then there isn’t anything I couldn’t do.

I have made excuse after excuse to keep me from doing this, but inside I’ve held that desire to run a full marathon. So, I finally decided enough excuses. I am setting the goal and doing it this year. But, then I set the goal and kind of kept it quiet so I could change my mind. I could opt out at the last minute because I wasn’t really prepared. What if I couldn’t? What if I didn’t train enough? What if I disappoint myself? What if I disappoint others?

But about 2 weeks ago I decided enough excuses. I am doing this. And as of last night I have a training schedule all planned. But as I was struggling through 2 miles yesterday (because when you take a 5 month break from running 2 miles is hard)doubt re-entered my head. How on earth did I think I could run 26.2 miles if I was currently struggling through 2? This just couldn’t be possible. I should give up.

And then it came to me. My moment of inspiration that I know will carry me through all the hard trials and doubts that will surely come as I train.

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I am running a marathon for many reasons, but not the least of them is because I tell these 3 they can do anything they set their mind to. I tell them to set their goals high and settle for nothing less. But, if I can’t live that advice, if I can’t find it within myself to think big, reach high and in the process stretch, grow, push and then accomplish – how then can I expect them to take on the “marathons” in their own life?

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And so, for that and many other reasons, I run. I am choosing to leave fear behind and just run.



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Natalie lost her 2 front teeth about a week and a half ago. She has lost 2 other teeth (last summer) and her left top tooth has been loose almost ever since. The funny thing is that she lost the RIGHT one, which hadn’t been lose, first. Then, less than 24 hours later the right one finally came out.

I don’t know about other parents, but I find it a funny stage when they’re losing teeth. Its like they’re transitioning from one stage of childhood to the next and it makes me a bit sad to see her toothless grin. But, she’s so happy about it I don’t stay sad for long.

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